Guildhall Red Cross Christmas Market
Guildhall Red Cross Christmas Market Grand Opening - 5.30pm-9.00pm on Monday 25th November 2019
Sponsored by The Worshipful Company of Blacksmiths
More details of the Market and stalls are available in the digital magazine
Message from the Renter Warden, Alderman Alastair King:
It is my pleasure to be Chairing the 2019 Guildhall Market committee along with Corinne Lee. The Market is a highlight of the City of London’s calendar and raises valuable funds for the British Red Cross – in 2019 we are aiming to raise £160,000 plus.
This year’s Market, in partnership with SoftBank Investment Advisers, has something to tempt everyone.
On Monday 25 November 2019, join HRH Princess Alexandra, the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress at our Grand Opening, kindly sponsored by the Worshipful Company of Blacksmiths. Over fizz and canapes you’ll have the first chance to browse over 100 stalls selling delicious treats, festive decorations, stylish clothes, and beautiful homeware.
Or come along on Tuesday 26 November for the market day. When you need a break from your shopping enjoy a festive luncheon or Champagne afternoon tea in the atmospheric crypt. If fashion is your thing then you’ll love our Fashion Hall with beautiful clothes and accessories, talks throughout the day on health and well-being, and our fabulous Catwalk of Kindness fashion show.
Add in celebrity book signing from William Sitwell, vintage clothes, a food market in the Guildhall Yard, wonderful raffle prizes, and you have an event that’s not to be missed.
This event would not be possible without the hard work and dedication of so many of our friends in Livery Companies and Ward Clubs across the City. If you are having a stall then thank you for supporting the British Red Cross in this way. I would like to ask for your support in promoting the event. Attached is a flyer and I would be grateful if you would circulate this around all of your members and contacts. Please do also use your social media accounts to help us to reach as many people as possible.
You can find out more about the Market and buy tickets at
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The Blacksmiths' Company would like to thank the many Blacksmiths who have so generously donated items for sale on the stall.