National Apprenticeship Scheme - Launch of Blacksmith Apprenticeship
We are very pleased to announce the launch of the Blacksmith Apprenticeship in partnership with the AIM Qualification and Assessment Group, Worshipful Company of Blacksmiths, Herefordshire Ludlow and North Shropshire College.
We would also like to acknowledge the enthusiasm of the British Artist Blacksmith Association in initiating the creation of the apprenticeship, the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IFS) for their support in the development of the Blacksmith Apprentice standard and End point assessment process as well as the individual employers and blacksmith organisations that form the Blacksmith Employer Group, who have been responsible for providing industry input.
The last Blacksmith apprenticeship ceased to exist in the late 80’s and getting to the point where we can again offer apprenticeship training has been a long and often frustrating journey with many twists, turns and bumps along the way.
The main requirement arising from the industry consultations was the need for the apprenticeship to concentrate on training for the work-based practical skills that form the core of the blacksmiths craft and as such the training and assessment within the apprenticeship is very much focused on those elements. There was also recognition that due to the multi skilled nature of the Blacksmith, training would need to be of sufficient duration to allow for acquisition of the necessary craft skills; as such it is anticipated the apprenticeship will typically take four years to complete.
Further information on the Blacksmith Standard and End Point Assessment can be found on the Institute for Apprenticeship and Technical Education website – search Apprenticeship standards - Blacksmith.
The ‘off the job’ training and assessment will be fully grant funded and undertaken by Herefordshire, Ludlow and North Shropshire College with the intention of starting in September 2021on a block release basis. (Subject to sufficient registrations).
Any person wishing to undertake an apprenticeship must be employed and satisfy the basic entry requirements as outlined in the standard. Employers who wish to register an employee for the apprenticeship should contact:
Adam Greenwell (Blacksmith Tutor)
Herefordshire, Ludlow and North Shropshire College,
Folly Lane, Hereford HR1 1LS
Eve Weller
Herefordshire, Ludlow & North Shropshire College
MIS Officer - Apprenticeships, Holme Lacy Short Course Administrator
Folly Lane, Hereford HR1 1LS
Tel: 01432 365318
For and on behalf of the Blacksmiths Employer Group Adrian Legge, Chair & Steve Rook, Vice Chair.