Who we are
The Company comprises the Court of Assistants, Liverymen, Freemen and Apprentices.
The Wardens
Prime Warden:
Robert David (Bob) TUNKS
Renter Warden:
Craft Warden:
Colonel Jane Elizabeth DAVIS OBE OStJ QVRM TD DL
Third Warden (Immediate Past Prime Warden):
John Andrew Hawkins RICHARDSON
Father of the Company:
Peter Reginald ALLCARD
The Father: The Role and its History
The Father is the title given to the senior Past Prime Warden, who perhaps can be said to compare with the “elders” of other bodies or professions such as “The Father of the House of Commons” and “The Father of the bench.” King Henry IV – in whose reign so much of the nucleus of the Company’s ordinance seems to have been shaped – also became known as “The Father and Friend of the People”. Many and varied are the duties and responsibilities of the Father of a Livery Company. He does, of course, defer to the Prime Warden: who in turn feels secure in the knowledge that the oldest member – with a wealth of experience – is at his side to assist with official formulae or advise on matters unusually difficult which could arise during his term in office. This was particularly so in the earliest days, when the other past Prime Wardens only continued to serve on the Court for a limited period. It is the prerogative of the Father to attend not only the Quarterly Courts, but every other meeting of Wardens.
The Clerk
The Gallant Clerk serves as the Chief Executive Officer and Company Secretary to the Company.
Lieutenant Colonel Michael White TD VR
Assistant Clerk - Jacqueline (Jackie) Monelle
Court of Assistants
The Court consists of 25 Liverymen who are elected to serve on the Court of Assistants. After serving on the Court for up to ten years, a Court Assistant is elected to the Wardens’ Court. There are four wardens: the Prime Warden, the Renter Warden (Treasurer), the Craft Warden and the Third Warden (the immediate Past Prime Warden). Each serves for twelve months; the order of progression through the Wardens’ Court is Craft, Renter, Prime and lastly Third Warden. On retirement, the Third Warden becomes a Past Prime Warden and is permitted to sit on the Court of Assistants for the remainder of his life. A senior Past Prime Warden is appointed as the 'Father of the Company' and also attends the Wardens' Court.
The Court meets four times a year on or near the Quarter Days (Epiphany, Ladyday, Midsummer and Michaelmas). Court meetings may be held on a morning and be followed by a lunch, which may be attended by any Liveryman; he or she may also invite guests. The Midsummer Court is held on an afternoon and is followed by the annual church service and a dinner. Company guest at events may include Prime Wardens or Masters of other Livery Companies, as well as representatives from the City and our affiliated military units.